曾经有一段时间,中国80后的独生子女都被人称为“小皇帝”。在家里,他的地位最高;父母、祖父母都得围着他转。他想在7点的时候看儿童节目,你就别想看《新闻联播》。你觉得这是中国特色?那你错了,其实国外也有这样的现象,他们管这叫kindergarchy。Kindergarchy, a blend of kinder (children) and the suffix –archy (rule), refers to rule or domination by children, or the belief that children's needs and preferences take precedence over those of their parents or other adults.
We're living in a perilous new world that says kids, no matter what they do, are always lovely and are always to be encouraged — a new world order where the 'needs' of children rule above all else.
Ours is a society increasingly dominated by the needs of children, or rather by the extraordinarily inflated needs we have come to attribute to them. The amount of money and attention many parents lavish on their children not only doesn't do much for the characters of their sons and daughters, it diminishes the parents' lives as well.
Ours is a society increasingly dominated by the needs of children, or rather by the extraordinarily inflated needs we have come to attribute to them. The amount of money and attention many parents lavish on their children not only doesn't do much for the characters of their sons and daughters, it diminishes the parents' lives as well.
应该给他们讲讲 弟子规 只能说中国的问题更严重一些。