IEC62560 fault conditions test讨论
testing method:13.2 the lamp is switched on at ambinent temperature (definition as in IEC/TS 62504 and conditions as indicated by the manufacturer or the power is increased until 150%of the rated power is reached.
the test is continued until the lamp is thermally stabilised. a stable condition is reached, if the lamp cap temperature does not change by more than 1k in 1h the lamp shall withstand the extreme electrical conditions for at least 15min , after stabilization is reached.
a lamp which fails safe and has withstood the extreme electrical conditions for 15min ,has passed the test, provideed the compliance(see 4.1 and 13.6) is fulfilled.
问题2:是否还需要按照IEC62031-2008 13.2 overpower condition
after finalising the overpower mode ,the module is operated under normal conditons until theermally being stable .
2.对滴,还要测试绝缘电阻 DC1000V 1,若是对自整流灯整灯的过功率测试,直接通过调节调压器,是很难达到1.5倍功率的,除非制造商有申明过功率测试的电压;