CQC网站上的下载专区上的新产品申请表格,或是变更申请表格有什么用吗,什么时候用到它呀,因为我们申请认证的时候不是在网站上已经填写过了吗. 申请这么多,没什么印象 :Q You need to provide the offical/hard copies of the application form with your company stamp attached to CQC for archiving, that's it... 那个表格基本上现在没有什么用途的 仅供参考的! Andy.Yang 发表于 2012-2-28 16:56 static/image/common/back.gifYou need to provide the offical/hard copies of the application form with your company stamp attached ...
when to post the hard copies of the application,maybe you cantell me in which procedure i should do it. wwnw_007 发表于 2012-2-28 18:08 static/image/common/back.gif
如果真的像你说的那样,我很高兴,因为我又可以少做一件事了.:lol 绾青丝 发表于 2012-2-29 08:39 static/image/common/back.gif
直接CQC网站申请就行了。不必要那么麻烦的 只用在网上申请就好了 绾青丝 发表于 2012-2-29 08:38 static/image/common/back.gif
when to post the hard copies of the application,maybe you cantell me in which procedure i should ...
if CQC engineer accept and hear a case , you can send the application to CQC.