大家好!我想问一下,UL插头分两芯和三芯,分别是用在什么类型的电器上?是标准要求的还是客户要求?谢谢! 分等级吧?class 1或者class 2或 class 3 跟产品走的 应该是看产品! 煮蛋器,Class I,120V,350W,用什么UL插头?两芯还是三芯? 老大们帮忙 解决一下,谢谢了!!! 外壳无可触摸的导电物体就用2芯,比如胶壳的充电器,外壳有可接触的导电物体就用3芯,比如铁壳的充电器 一般I类电器,使用三芯;其它使用二芯。 Class 1 Circuit. The portion of the wiring system between the load side of the overcurrent device or power-limited supply and the connected equipment. The voltage and power limitations of the source are in accordance with 725.21.Class 2 Circuit.The portion of the wiring system between the load side of a Class 2 power source and the connected equipment. Due to its power limitations, a Class 2 circuit considers safety from a fire initiation standpoint and provides acceptable protection from electric shock.
Class 3 Circuit.The portion of the wiring system between the load side of a Class 3 power source and the connected equipment. Due to its power limitations, a Class 3 circuit considers safety from a fire initiation standpoint. Since higher levels of voltage and current than for Class 2 are permitted, additional safeguards are specified to provide protection from an electric shock hazard that could be encountered.
725.21 class 1circuit classifications and power source requirements.
Class 1 circuits shall be classified as either class 1 power-limited circuits where they comply with the power limitations of 725.21(A) or as class 1 remote-control and signaling circuits where they are used for remote control or signaling purposes and comply with the power limitations of 725.21(B).
(A) class 1 power-limited circuits.These circuits shall be supplied from a source that has a rated output of not more than 30 volts and 1000 volt-amperes.
(1) class 1 transformers.Transformers used to supply power-limited class 1 circuits shall comply with article 450
(2) other class 1 power sources.
(B) Cass 1 remote-control and signaling circuits.These circuits shall not exceed 600volts the power output of the source shall not be required to be limited UL 3芯电源线最小的就是18AWG,晕,配上小小的煮蛋器,怎么看怎么别扭。做了样板了,客人看了也别扭,只好改2芯。