各位大哥,去日本的风筒安规资料哪里可下载?谢谢! According to the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law (DENAN), the PSE Mark is a mandatory mark required for the Electrical Appliances.Basically, the products regulated are classified intotwo categories:
1) Specified Electrical Appliances
2) Other Electrical Appliances
For the "Specified Electrical Appliances", it should meet compliance standards, and be certified by a METI accredited Conformity Assessment Body.Totally, 115 items are listed as the Specified Products and should be labelled with the PSE Diamond Mark.
For the "Other Electrical Appliances", it should meet compliance standards, but do have to be certified by a METI accredited Conformity Assessment Body. Totally, 338 items are listed as the Specified Products and should be labelled with the PSE Circle Mark.
For your Hair Dryer, it is classified as the "Other Electrical Appliances" in DENAN law. That means the PSE Circle Mark is necessary. You may follow the right hand side flow of the PSE flowchart for getting the PSE Circle Mark.
By the way, only the EMI test is necessary according toJapan law. For lighting product, the effective version is J55014-1(H20) in Japan. This standard is written in Japanese and derived from CISPR 14-1. 引用第0楼mingck于2010-11-03 08:20发表的 去日本的风筒安规资料哪里可下载 :
首先, 要看你申请要按哪个标准申请, 是按IEC还按MITI,
如果是按IEC, 可以参考IEC相应的标准, 应该还要加偏差部分
如果按MITI, 要看Miti appendix 8 引用第3楼longclever于2010-11-05 17:08发表的:
日本市场其实不小, 只是因为他们要求比较严格, 做日本产品的厂相对少些. 是不是按照JIS C9613?不过此标准好象只有1994版的,不知有没有更新?
回 5楼(kelvinwen) 的帖子
我们做过去欧洲和美国的风筒,日本的风筒还是第一次接触.确实不知道怎么下手 引用第5楼kelvinwen于2010-11-05 17:15发表的:是不是按照JIS C9613?不过此标准好象只有1994版的,不知有没有更新?
JIS--Japanese Industrial Standard
JIS C 9613-1994 Hand-Hold Hair Dryers
英文版扫描档供大家参考 引用第7楼kelvinwen于2010-11-08 10:30发表的:
JIS--Japanese Industrial Standard
JIS C 9613-1994 Hand-Hold Hair Dryers
后续 怎么是格式错误,