who can help me
please help me to translate the sentence.Thanks a lot .Q.Who must issue the certificate?
for products manufactured overseas, the certificate must be issued by the importer.For products
produced outside the United States, the certificate must be issued by the U.S. manufacturer.
Neither a foreign manufacturer nor a private labeler is required to issue a certificate.Neither
need be identified on the certificate issued by the importer or domestic manufacturer. 晕,你不会用在线翻译吗? Q.Who must issue the certificate?
for products manufactured overseas, the certificate must be issued by the importer.For products
produced outside the United States, the certificate must be issued by the U.S. manufacturer.
Neither a foreign manufacturer nor a private labeler is required to issue a certificate.Neither
need be identified on the certificate issued by the importer or domestic manufacturer.
如果产品是海外生产,必须是输入者发证。对于产品是在美国之外生产,必须有美国生产商发证。既不是国外生产也不是私人贴牌要求发证。均不需要追溯是输入者还是本国制造商。 在线的不清楚。 你这个英文语句本来就有点混乱,哪里来的? 什么叫海外, 美国以外,有什么区别? 安规网上下载的资料,美国消费品普通合格证书样本中英版本。你们应该都有看到吧。 除在本國內生產之外的工廠或是單位,都稱為是海外吧.
像日本、泰國、印度、馬來西亞or other 國家的安規都有這類的說法.亦也即時產品要進口到輸入國時必須要有國內的代理商或是工廠才可以.