各位前辈们,一个或几个系列的电源要想同时拥有CEUL/CUL CCC TUV MARK 等认证,如何操作最快最省钱?其他大的电源公司是如何做的能介绍下吗?晚生先谢谢了! 这是个比较难的问题,我也很想知道 我咨询我们公司的安规人员,他们讲有多个安规认证,最好同时向相关的认证机构提出申请会快一些.因为不同的安规,认证机构也不相同,所以没有什么最省钱的方法. Normally, if at the total beginning, then you must know the related requirements of all above approval agency. and forget to find an easy way, do it step by step, and try to be familiar with their requirements. and try to creat good relationship with those agencies, after that, you can try to push those agencies to help you deal with your case as soon as possible cause you have good relationship with those agencies. But if finally, you don't wanna do it by yourself, you can find a third party which can help you to do the above certifications for you, but that means much more money will be spared, and you can not learn more and have no improvement, furthermore, you can not control the certification progress sometimes, so make a conclusion that, you should try to do it by yourself, maybe at the beginning, it's a little difficult, but after you know it, it will be easy, and money can be saved , as well you also can be improved quickly.... 谢谢楼上的介绍,虽然英语看的很累:) 我可以负责任的说,你上面的没有一个是省钱的认证,如果要说做到相对省钱,先做UL/CUL(很多机构认UL的报告,而UL不认其他公司的报告) 在做CCC(有了UL的经验这个做起来就舒服多了,可以省很多弯路) 在做TUV mark
对于CE就要看你的客户了,你的客户要是只认TUV ITS这类的你就继续掏银子吧
OV 谢谢,指导。 请UL做一份CB报告和listing mark,应该会送CE-LVD。
TUV mark用CB转。