dear all:为什么打高压时的参数设置为1250V/1.0mA/3sec呢,怎么样才能证明如果通过了这个参数的检测就代表产品的安全性呢,请大侠指教,谢谢! 机器报警就说明你打1250V电压的时候,泄露电流大于1mA,这个时候产品安全性不够!反之则安全性够好! 这个应该是在生产线上生产时的设置吧?这个参数设置应该是按照标准要求来计算的,如果要证明如果通过了这个参数的检测就代表这个产品是不是安全,这个就不太清楚了?还望大家给个解释! 一般把高压测试仪崩溃电流设定到100mA就可以了,因为一旦超过了这个值,就认为是击穿了。时间按标准来欧标是1min吧,美标大都1Sec Yes, normally you must find out the corresponding test standards about your products, but from your description about the dielectric test, I guess this test should be initiated on the production line.so follow the steps as follows:
1.check the related standards and find the related requirements for your products, such as follows:
on the production line(routint test): 1.2k for 2 seconds, with the leakage current 3mA
for type test:1kV for i minute, with the leakage current 3mA
2. set your own test instructions, and specify the test procedure, maybe, your test requirements are more severe than the standards' requirements, that's also ok for robustness.
3. do the test, if breakdown, then reject, if not, accept..
normally, for UL, there is no requirement for the leakage current, and as per the experience, 10mA, but for other parties, 3.5~10mA is recommended... of course, you also can select the DC tester, then the test value should be 1.4 times of the AC test value.