功放做 FCC认证 问题
当功放做认证时,功放内部任何器件只要超过9K 的频率就要做 FCC谁能提供相关文件或者资料给我。或者欧盟的什么网站有写。或者、或者、或者、望大家踊跃帮忙回复谢谢! 首先FCC是美国的要求!
请参考FCC PART 15:
Section 15.109 Radiated emission limits.
(e) Carrier current systems used as unintentional radiators or other unintentional radiators that are designed to conduct their radio frequency emissions via connecting wires or cables and that operate in the frequency range of 9 kHz to 30 MHz, including devices that deliver the radio frequency energy to transducers, such as ultrasonic devices not covered under Part 18 of this Chapter, shall comply with the radiated emission limits for intentional radiators provided in Section 15.209 for the frequency range of 9 kHz to 30 MHz. As an alternative, carrier current systems used as unintentional radiators and operating in the frequency range of 525 kHz to 1705 kHz may comply with the radiated emission limits provided in Section 15.221(a). At frequencies above 30 MHz, the limits in paragraph (a), (b) or (g) of this Section, as appropriate, continue to apply. 音视频产品申请FCC VER (Verification Evaluation Report),符合标准FCC PART 15B就可以了。
功放整机能通过Conducted Emession 和 Radiated Emission就可以了,不要考虑内部元器件!
[不要留联系方式] 我知道,做FCC是只要做 传导和辐射 我也知道15.109 15.107是传导和辐射发射的要求。但是,我们的产品在超过9K频率必须需要FCC。我想知道哪里有这样的文件写出来了的,因为要说服客户。请帮我提供详细资料给我。非常感谢大家。