keyou 发表于 2008-12-29 13:56

BS 1363-1条款12.2的理解

BS 1363-1条款12.2:从插合面算起不小于6.35mm的距离内,插头的外形不可超过图4所示尺寸。在此类尺寸中,插头的插合面上不可有轴向凸出。但当从插合面算起超过6.35mm的距离时,插头的外形可在接地插销的平面及软线入口的平面中(此两平面可便于插头从插座中拔出)超过图4a)中所示尺寸。

bs1363 发表于 2008-12-29 14:31

Sorry that I don't really understand your question in Chinese.

Maybe this is your answer....

keyou 发表于 2008-12-29 17:23

谢谢!但有些地方还是解释不通,12.2是否原为如此:从插合面算起小于6.35   mm的距离内,插头的外形不可超过图4所示尺寸。在此类尺寸中,插头的插合面上不可有轴向凸出。但当从插合面算起超过6.35mm的距离时,插头的外形可在接地插销的平面及软线入口的平面中(此两平面可便于插头从插座中拔出)超过图4a)中所示尺寸


bs1363 发表于 2008-12-29 20:40

Maybe you are misunderstanding this clause's meaning.

The outline must remain unchanged within 6.35mm. This outline must also be good fit to the Fig.5 guage. Otherwise your product failed to comply with the clause 12.2.

if the outline is greater than 6.35mm, then the shape of the plug is not specified.

I hope it is useful to you.

leoluo 发表于 2008-12-29 22:17

引用第3楼bs1363于2008-12-29 20:40发表的:
Maybe you are misunderstanding this clause's meaning.

The outline must remain unchanged within 6.35mm. This outline must also be good fit to the Fig.5 guage. Otherwise your product failed to comply with the clause 12.2.

if the outline is greater than 6.35mm, then the shape of the plug is not specified.
1. There is no any doubt on the Point that The outline must remain unchanged within 6.35mm,
2.if the outline is greater than 6.35mm, then the shape of the plug is not specified.
But How to comprehend the " in the plan of the earth pin and the plan of the cord entry"? what does it mean? Tks!

keyou 发表于 2008-12-30 10:14


aji 发表于 2008-12-30 15:21


bs1363 发表于 2008-12-30 22:07

To: leoluo

Maybe my explanation is not so clear.

The outline must remain unchanged within 6.35mm or the outline can be reduced within 6.35mm that it don't exceed the dimension shown the fig.4a.

The attachment I hope can make you understand easily.

This is my understanding. I am not sure whether or not it is 100% true.

leoluo 发表于 2008-12-31 08:42

引用第7楼bs1363于2008-12-30 22:07发表的:
To: leoluo

Maybe my explanation is so clear.

The outline must remain unchanged within 6.35mm or the outline can be reduced within 6.35mm that it don't exceed the dimension shown the fig.4a.
Hi BSI1363:
      I appreciate your help, I think your explanation is clear enough. Many Thanks.

johnmark 发表于 2009-1-4 19:23

在插头的接合面起6.35mm以内的尺寸内的外形尺寸不得超出FIGURE 4中规定的尺寸,至于大于6.35mm处的外形尺寸是没有要求的,可以大可以小。
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