devices in plastic luminaires
The test applies only to luminaires with a thermoplastic housing not fitted with an extra
mechanical temperature-independent device as per 4.15.2.
12.7.1 Test for luminaires without temperature sensing controls
The luminaire shall be tested under the conditions specified in items a), c), e), f), h) and l) of
12.4.1. In addition, the following also applies.
20 % of the lamp circuits in the luminaire, and not less than one lamp circuit, shall be
subjected to abnormal conditions (see item a) of 12.5.1).
The circuits which have the most thermal influence on the fixation point and exposed parts
shall be chosen and other lamp circuits shall be operated at rated voltage under normal
The circuits subjected to abnormal conditions shall be operated at 1,1 times (the rated voltage
or the maximum of the rated voltage range). When conditions are stable, the highest winding
temperature and highest temperature of fixing points and most thermally influenced exposed
parts shall be measured. It is not necessary to measure the temperature of small wound
devices that are incorporated within electronic circuits.
The values of the ambient temperature and the temperature measured at 1,1 times (the rated
voltage or the maximum of the voltage range) are used for the linear regression formula in
calculating the temperature of fixing points and other exposed parts in relation to a
ballast/transformer winding temperature of 350 °C. The calculated value shall not exceed the
temperature of the deflection under load of the material in accordance with method A as
defined in ISO 75 (1987), Plastics and ebonite – Determination of temperature of deflection
under load.
12.7.2 Test for luminaires with temperature sensing controls internal/external to the
ballast or transformer
The luminaires shall be set up for this test as described in the first three paragraphs of 12.7.1.
The circuits subjected to abnormal conditions shall be operated with a slowly and steadily
increasing current through the windings until the temperature sensing control operates.
Time intervals and increments in current shall be such that thermal equilibrium between
winding temperatures and temperature of fixing points and most thermally influenced exposed
parts is achieved as far as is practicable. During the test, the highest temperature of the spots
tested shall be continuously measured.
For luminaires fitted out with manual-reset thermal cut-outs, the test shall be repeated six
times allowing 30 min intervals between tests. At the end of each 30 min interval, the cut-out
shall be reset.
For luminaires fitted out with auto-reset thermal cut-outs, the tests shall be continued until a
stable temperature is achieved.
The highest temperature of the fixing points and most thermally influenced exposed parts,
shall not exceed the temperature of deflection under load of the material according to the
method A as defined in ISO 75, at any time during the tests for thermal links, manual-reset
thermal cut-outs, and auto-reset thermal cut-outs.
In applying the requirements of 4.15 and 12.7 the following notes are to be referred to:
NOTE 1 - ‘Fixing points’ means both the fixing points of components and the fixing points of a luminaire to the
mounting surface.
NOTE 2 - ‘Exposed part’ means the outer surface of the luminaire enclosure.
NOTE 3 - Measurement of exposed parts is restricted to those parts providing the luminaire/component fixing or
parts providing a protective barrier against accidental contact with live parts, as required by section 8 of this
NOTE 4 - The hottest part of the thermoplastic material section requiring test is measured. This may often be on
the internal surface of a luminaire enclosure not the outer surface.
NOTE 5 - The material temperature limits defined by clause 12.7 are with respect to materials under both
mechanical load and no mechanical load.
NOTE 6 - The application of clause 12.7 must be read together with the requirements of sub-clause 4.15. 感谢各位,此贴可以结案了。