回字的 标准尺寸
急急,谁有两类电器回字的 标准尺寸,谢谢 两个正方形,外面的是里面的2倍. 请参考附件: 楼上的,附件贴一下啊 两个正方形,外面的是里面的2倍边长大于5MM。 引用第4楼cjh80156179于2008-07-16 07:45发表的:两个正方形,外面的是里面的2倍边长大于5MM。
就是标志高度要≥5mm,跟CE标志高度要求一样 标志高度要≥5mm,两个正方形,外面的边长是里面的2倍,具体可看GB-T5465或IEC60417-1中的5172 这是老问题了,建议本版版主将相关信息贴在公告栏或是另起一个有关标志符号大小及形状的版块. The dimensions of the symbol for Class II construction shall be such that the length of the sides of the
outer square is about twice the length of the sides of the inner square. The length of the sides of the outer
square shall not be less than 5 mm, unless the largest dimension of the tool does not exceed 15 cm, in
which case the dimensions of the symbol may be reduced, but the length of the sides of the outer square
shall not be less than 3 mm.(UL745-1)