ljh809809 发表于 2020-9-2 11:36

IEC 60335:2005/A2:2013 Qestions 7

C.1Transformers for switch mode power supply units are tested inthe complete power supply unit or in the complete equipment. Test loads areapplied to the output of the power supply unit.
A linear transformer or a ferro-resonant transformer has eachsecondary winding loaded in turn, with any other secondaries loaded betweenzero and their specified maxima to result in the maximum heating effect.上面一段话是讲开关电源的,下面一段话是讲线性变压器或铁磁谐振变压器的。为什么只说了线性变压器或铁磁谐振变压器过载测试时如何加载的具体方法?开关电源如果有两路或三路负载不也是这种方法吗?即其它输出加额定最大负载,对某一路输出加空载直到短路的过载。然后换其它输出轮流进行。
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