LED灯珠的Ts(TMP LED)是指什么?IES LM-80-15 Clause 3.2
3.2 Case Temperature (Ts)
The temperature measurement point for the DUT is defined by the DUT manufacturer. In some cases the temperature measurement point is defined as the solder point on the printed circuit board. In other instances this is defined as a specific location on the DUT case. Thus Ts is sometimes designated as Tsp or Tc in manufacturer’s literature. 标准上明明写的很详细 rick.xiao 发表于 2018-5-12 09:35
IES LM-80-15 Clause 3.2
3.2 Case Temperature (Ts)
The temperature measurement point for the DUT is ...
DUT的温度测量点由DUT制造商规定。在某些情况下,温度测量点被定义为印刷电路板上的焊点。在其他情况下,其被定义为DUT情况的具体位置。因此,Ts在制造商的文献中有时被指定为Tsp或Tc。 rick.xiao 发表于 2018-5-12 09:35
IES LM-80-15 Clause 3.2
3.2 Case Temperature (Ts)
The temperature measurement point for the DUT is ...
DUT的温度测量点由DUT制造商规定。在某些情况下,温度测量点被定义为印刷电路板上的焊点。在其他情况下,其被定义为DUT情况的具体位置。因此,Ts在制造商的文献中有时被指定为Tsp或Tc。 一般是焊接点 负极焊点,插件的引脚3mm处