ylgc123 发表于 2017-2-5 16:40

IEC60335-2-14 ED6.0新版的11.7.1和11.7.2的测试讨论

本帖最后由 ylgc123 于 2017-2-6 08:42 编辑

60335-2-14 ed6.0经过大改版后,CL11.7有的较大变化,关于11.7.1、11.7.2是否都是必须进行?还是二选一即可?


11.7 Replacement:
The appliance is subjected to the tests of 11.7.1 and 11.7.2 and if necessary the test of11.7.3.器具应经受11.7.1和11.7.2的试验,必要时还应经受11.7.3的试验
11.7.1 The appliance is operated for the period specified and where relevant the number of
cycles as specified in 11.7.101 to 11.7.118.
11.7.2 The appliance is operated for the number of cycles specified in 11.7.101 to 11.7.118
and using the maximum quantity of the load to be processed stated in the instructions, with
operating periods as follows:
– for operating periods specified in the instructions not exceeding 7 min, the maximum
period stated in the instructions plus 1 min or 7 min whichever is less;
– for operating periods specified in the instructions exceeding 7 min, the maximum period
stated in the instructions.
If it is necessary to perform a number of operations to obtain these periods, the rest periods
are equal to, where relevant, the time taken to empty and refill the container with the
maximum quantity of ingredients stated in the instructions.
Appliances incorporating a timer are operated for the maximum period allowed by the timer.

ni210 发表于 2017-2-7 11:19


prod10 发表于 2017-2-11 23:53

ni210 发表于 2017-2-7 11:19 static/image/common/back.gif


ylgc123 发表于 2017-2-13 08:45

prod10 发表于 2017-2-11 23:53 static/image/common/back.gif


plmijb 发表于 2017-3-3 08:34

11.7.3 如下:Rated power input is obtained by applying a constant torque to the appliance placed in its
normal position of use and without subjecting it to imbalance forces greater than those
occurring in normal use. The appliance is run with the relevant time period specified in
11.7.101 to 11.7.118.

此节说额定负载功率是运行在11.7.101~11.7.118规定的相关时间、时期。并没有说到周期,而在11.7.1/11.7.2 明确提到周期,是不是可理解为只需做11.7.101 to 11.7.118中的一个周期。如台式搅拌机,只需加载3min?
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查看完整版本: IEC60335-2-14 ED6.0新版的11.7.1和11.7.2的测试讨论