60335-2-29 电池充电器输入以及温升测试带载问题
大家能否讨论下各家做60335-2-29 电池充电器带载到底是否要求一致:充电器可以给锂电池及铅酸电池充电,输出超过20VA,是否输入和温升都要分别带载101网络以及最大容量电池测试
另外3.19里面说的Other battery chargers 是指哪一类电池,这个理解也有不同
据我了解 每个实验室要求都不同,所以还是有讨论的必要的:(:(
见60335-2-29 clause 3.19:
normal operation
operation of the appliance under the following conditions
Battery chargers for charging lead-acid batteries, and other battery chargers having a rated
d.c. output current not exceeding 20 A, are connected to the circuit of Figure 101. The
variable resistor is adjusted so that the current in the circuit is the rated d.c. output current
when the battery charger is supplied at rated voltage.
When the charging current is controlled by the state of charge of the battery, the variable
resistor and the capacitor are replaced by a discharged battery of the type and having the
largest capacity specified in the instructions.
Other battery chargers are connected to a discharged battery of the type and having the
largest capacity specified in the instructions.
NOTE 101 Batteries are considered to be discharged when
– for lead-acid batteries, the specific gravity of the electrolyte is less than 1,16;
– for nickel-cadmium batteries, the voltage per cell is less than 0,9 V. 兄弟,你的问题深奥啊,额定直流输出电流不大于20A的充电器都要按照101网络和最大容量的电池做吧,两种状态都要做,个人理解;其他超过20A的充电器的按照说明书上要求最大容量的已经放电的电池来做测试,就不用接101网络了,个人理解。