都说RoHS标记大小没有要求,只有o这个要小写的要求,这是出自某个标准还是行业默认的? 不要太在意这些,就像一般提到CB认证通常都用大写而不是cb一样,只是一种习惯,就算你在产品上打上ROHS我估计也不会有人说什么,只是显得不规范不专业而已。关于尺寸,我认为肉眼可视即可,目前见到的产品上或包装上的标识大小不一形式不一,知道是那么回事就行了,但是为了避免出欧盟遇到因为这点小事卡关的问题建议还是规范点好,RoHS,肯定没问题 从欧盟最新的rohs指令来看,指令只要求粘CE标识,没有要求贴rohs标识。所以你要贴rohs也是可以的,最好去官网上下个图标。 305634483 发表于 2015-9-10 13:35 static/image/common/back.gif
所以你要贴rohs也是可以的,最好 ...
百度了下,很多版本的RoHS标记, ROHS是属于CE下的一个指令,产品上打CE的标志就已经说明该产品是有符合Rohs要求的。CE指令下没有对Rohs的logo有具体的说明和要求,也没有具体的官方文件来规定其标签要求 产品不能打RoHS标识, CE标识是证明产品符合RoHS指令的唯一标识,所以打CE标识就好。
在欧盟官网下载“RoHS 2 FAQ guidance document”可以看到如下解答:
RoHS 2 FAQ guidance document
Q8.12 Can I have any RoHS marks other than the CE mark?
From 2nd January 2013, CE marking shall be the only marking which attests the conformity of the product with the requirements of RoHS 2. Pursuant to EC/765/2008 markings, signs or inscriptions that are likely to mislead third parties regarding the meaning or form of the CE marking shall be prohibited.
另外在 NLF Regulation (EC) 765/2008也有相关说明:
Article 30.4. "The CE marking shall be the only marking".
And from the same Regulation: "(38) The CE marking should be the only marking of conformity …. However, other markings may be used as long as they contribute to the improvement of consumer protection and are not covered by Community harmonisation legislation".
The 'Blue Guide' on the implementation of EU product rules 2014 CE marking and other markings
• The CE marking is the only marking of conformity indicating that a product is in conformity with Union harmonisation legislation that applies to it and provides for CE marking.
• Member States must refrain from introducing any reference to another conformity marking into their national regulations, which would overlap with the CE marking.
• A product may bear additional markings and marks, provided that they fulfil a different function from that of the CE marking, are not liable to cause confusion with it, and do not reduce its legibility and visibility. RoHS, of要小写是语法问题,介词一般都是小写除非在句首。 718826712 发表于 2015-9-10 13:58 static/image/common/back.gif
为什么会有这么多版本,就是官方没有文件说明,所以没有对错。你自己选用 stey 发表于 2015-9-10 15:48 static/image/common/back.gif
RoHS, of要小写是语法问题,介词一般都是小写除非在句首。
原来是这样的来的! 其实欧盟官方根本没有ROHS标识