IEC 60335-1: A1/2013
问下现在有认证机构按照最新的A1来认证,提出了个问题很麻烦第29章table 17原文如下:NOTE 1 Lacquered conductors of windings are considered to be bare conductors, but creepage distances need not be greater than the associated clearance specified in Table 16 taking into account 29.1.1.新版A1变为Replace Note1 by the following:
Lacqueredconductors of windings are considered to be bare conductors but creepagedistances for basic insulation in other than a double insulation constructionneed not be greater than the associated clearance specified in Table 16 takinginto account 29.1.1.那么问题来了II类结构原先电机绕组到铁芯的基本绝缘电气和爬电距离比如要求都是2.5mm,按照新的要求爬电要求大于2.5mm很多电机都不满足要求了。 in other than a double insulation construction
基本绝缘不是跟之前一样么 craigyu 发表于 2015-6-2 17:34 static/image/common/back.gif
in other than a double insulation construction