3.8.5user maintenance用户维护保养
any maintenance operation stated in the instructions for use, or marked on the appliance, that the user is intended to perform
通过使用说明中的声明或器具上的标识,打算由用户来完成的各种维护保养工作。Parts that are likely to be removed during installation or servicing are disassembled and assembled 10 times before the test is carried out. 在安装时,或在维护保养期间可能要被取下的零件,应在本试验进行之前,拆装10次。NOTE Servicing includes replacement of the supply cord. 注 :维护保养包括电源软线的更换。此两处的维护保养油何区别,后者维护保养是否是包括制造商在说明书规定的有制造商的维护保养,或者维修,更换,