茶馆 发表于 2014-5-14 13:53

heating appliances 的温升测试条件

本帖最后由 茶馆 于 2014-5-14 13:55 编辑

如题, 现在有一款脱毛产品, 原理是通过产品内的PTC 加热时蜡融化,然后涂在皮肤上。

产品规格:100-240V,50-60Hz, 15W., 通电240Vac 稳定后功率大概为7-8W

标准: EN 60335-1-2012, EN 60335-2-15clause 11.4

11.4 Heating appliances are operated under normal operation and at 1,15 times rated power input.

rated power input
power input assigned to the appliance by the manufacturer
NOTE If no power input is assigned to the appliance, the rated power input for heating appliances and
combined appliances is the power input measured when the appliance is supplied at rated voltage and operated
under normal operation.

问题:针对PTC , 怎么调节才能满足1.15 times rated power input, (1.15*15=17.25W)

jjlamshushushu 发表于 2014-5-14 14:03


jjlamshushushu 发表于 2014-5-14 14:34


wjb0126 发表于 2014-5-14 14:38

杨柳风 发表于 2014-5-14 14:46


jjlamshushushu 发表于 2014-5-14 14:52

本帖最后由 jjlamshushushu 于 2014-5-13 21:54 编辑

可以参考CTL 554,一般以额定输入开机半小时后再升压到乘以1.15的平方根(=1.07)就可以了

zyhua1985 发表于 2014-5-14 16:04

引用 IEC/ EN 60335-1 標準中第5章節 (測試的通用條件) 的5.13條 :
5.13The tests for appliances with PTC heating elements and for heating appliances and combined appliances where the heating elements are supplied via a switch mode power supply are carried out at a voltage corresponding to the specified power input.

When a power input greater than the rated power input is specified, the factor for multiplying the voltage is equal to the square root of the factor for multiplying the power input.

(1. 第一句话“通過開關模式供電的带PTC电热元件的發熱器具和組合器具,在与规定的输入功率相对应的电压下进行试验"
这句话是说,PTC电热元件跟隨电压來做测试,然后这个电压是怎么来的呢? 是跟规定的输入功率相对应。

规定的输入功率是什么意思?指的是标准里提到测试时规定的输入功率。 比如:
11.4 Heating appliances are operated under normal operation and at 1,15 times rated power input.
19.2 Appliances with heating elements are tested under the conditions specified in Clause 11 but with restricted heat dissipation. The supply voltage, determined prior to the test, is that required to provide a power input of 0,85 times rated power input under normal operation when the power input has stabilized. This voltage is maintained throughout the test.
19.3 The test of 19.2 is repeated but with a supply voltage, determined prior to the test, equal to that required to provide a power input of 1,24 times rated power input under normal operation when the power input has stabilized. This voltage is maintained throughout the test.

“当规定的输入功率大于额定功率时,用来乘电压的系数(此處系數為0.85/ 1.15 / 1.24等) 等于用来乘输入功率的系数的平方根”

比如说在1.15(11章), 0.85(19.2章),1.24(19.3章)倍额定输入功率的测试条件下,规定的输入功率大于额定功率的情况,就是1.15倍,1.24倍时候的情况,0.85倍时候是规定的输入功率小于额定功率的情况。

PTC器具的测试条件就是:(根號)√1.15 x 额定电压。
假设额定电压为230v,那么这个测试的测试电压就是:√1.15x230=246.7V ,240V就是:√1.15x240=257.5V



zyhua1985 发表于 2014-5-14 21:15

PTC器具的测试条件就是:(根號)√1.15 x 额定电压。
假设额定电压为230v,那么这个测试的测试电压就是:√1.15x230=246.7V ,240V就是:√1.15x240=257.5V


yaoli3583 发表于 2014-6-2 09:49

wjb0126 发表于 2014-5-14 14:38 static/image/common/back.gif
参考60335-1 5.13PTC有相应的规定。
5.13 The tests for appliances with PTC heating elements and for ...

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