SASO做洗衣机检测时洗涤用水温度是多少? 洗涤用水,漂洗用水,水温是一样的么? 安规?安规的话,按IEC的标准就行了。 cgxlxl 发表于 2014-4-23 08:53 static/image/common/back.gif安规?安规的话,按IEC的标准就行了。
不是安规,是能效,SASO 2692 是SASO 2693! 主洗温度不低于35度就可以了,沙特的能效和澳洲差不多一样的。
On the program nominated by the manufacturer in accordance
with Clause 5.4 of the standard mentioned in 1.2.1 except that,
if that program results in a test wash water temperature of less
than 35oC, alternative settings as necessary shall be used to
achieve a maximum warm wash temperature (i.e. minimum