What is considered an adequate construction for locking of terminals for snap on connectors?
A receptacle with no provision for engagement with a hole or depression in the tab is not acceptable
A receptacle with provision for engagement into a hole or depression is acceptable provided
the tab and the receptacle meet the dimensional, insertion and withdrawal requirements of
IEC 760 (or CEE Recommendation 6) .
Constructions with other types of positive means to prevent accidental loosening are also
acceptable. 应该是讲那种如你所图讲的,公插上带一个孔,母插带一个突出,让他们结合在一起的时候,突出的部分就卡在公插上的孔里了,这样就保证他们锁紧的可靠性了。 从图版上看应该是比较牢固的,卡位凸出的比较明显