zt012359 发表于 2013-11-4 15:09


5.4.2 A device that is constructed so that the alignment with the existing incandescent luminaire or
portable luminaire requires an adjustment greater than ±20 degrees shall be provided with adjustment of
the device base with relation to the remainder of the device. Examples include:
a) A rectangular-shaped device in which the device is to be parallel with existing walls when
installed in a ceiling surface luminaire, and
b) A device incorporating a ballast compartment or lamp support arms that will in some cases
have to be rotated more than 20 degrees to properly clear harps in portable luminaires.\
同志们    请帮忙解释下上面这段话!

Nezof 发表于 2013-11-4 15:26


zt012359 发表于 2013-11-5 08:47

Nezof 发表于 2013-11-4 15:26 static/image/common/back.gif
见到这种结构 ...

这应该是替代白炽灯或者便携式灯具的灯的要求吧!可是后面的 requires an adjustment greater than ±20 degrees shall be provided with adjustment of就不太明白了!因为我是灯具公司的电源工程师所以对没有做过的项目可能不太理解!麻烦解释下:lol
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