IEC60335-1-2010 30.2.2章讨论
本帖最后由 法随心生 于 2013-9-1 21:46 编辑IEC60335-1-201030.2.2章新增加内容
“NOTE 3 Some applications of the term "within a distance of 3 mm" are shown in Figure O.5. "
"Where a non-metallic material is within a distance of 3 mm of a current-carrying connection,
but is shielded from the connection by a different material, the glow-wire testof
IEC 60695-2-11 is carried out at the relevant test severity with the tip of the glow-wire applied
to the interposed shielding material with the shielded material in place and not directly to the
shielded material. "
之间内容好像不连贯,特别是针对后一句,Figure O.5.里的4个例子 该怎么解读呢,请指教