在UL 60950标准datasheet,3.2.6 4.2.1 4.2.7-STRAIN RELIEF TEST中,有以下一句话:It was not possible to push the cord back into the unit to such an extent that the cord or its conductors, or both, could be damaged or internal parts of the unit could be displaced.
请问这是依据标准的哪一部分?另外,有推力测试?测试方法如何?请大神指点~! :loveliness:自己顶一个先,坐等大神现身~! 3.2.6 Cord anchorages and strain relief
For equipment with a NON-DETACHABLE POWER SUPPLY CORD, a cord anchorage shall be supplied such that
– the connecting points of the cord conductors are relieved from strain; and
– the outer covering of the cord is protected from abrasion.
It shall not be possible to push the cord back into the equipment to such an extent that the cord or its conductors, or both, could be damaged or internal parts of the equipment could be displaced. H-RH 发表于 2013-8-15 14:24 static/image/common/back.gif
3.2.6 Cord anchorages and strain relief
For equipment with a NON-DETACHABLE POWER SUPPLY CORD, a...