-2-15 的那条有要求器具底和台面不能有凝水现象
各位, 谁知道-2-15-的那条有要求器具底和台面不能有凝水现象? 请告知! 谢谢! 不知楼主所言,兄弟说清楚,以便网友顶。。 也就是电水壶或egg boiler在正常运作后, 测试台面和机底部不能有凝水和水滴.. 但是我查了-2-15, 里面好象没有此要求. 所以请各位看下是否有此要求? 本帖最后由 craigyu 于 2013-4-15 15:22 编辑没有见到有此要求
22.6 Appliances shall be constructed so that their electrical insulation cannot be affected by
water that could condense on cold surfaces or by liquid that could leak from containers,
hoses, couplings and similar parts of the appliance. The electrical insulation of class II
appliances and class II constructions shall not be affected if a hose ruptures or a seal
但欧洲的客户有此要求, 而且有的工厂也认同., 但不知是那条款的要求? LZ说的不明白呀
还不明确, 无言了! shall be the requirement from the customer--very common for kettle. 标准里好象没具体说到电水壶或egg boiler在正常运作后, 测试台面和机底部不能有凝水和水滴, 但是有相关的要求
22.102 Kettles shall be constructed so that there are no sudden jets of steam or hot water
likely to expose the user to a hazard when the appliance is used as in normal use.
一般来说,电水壶或egg boiler在正常工作完后,测试台面和机底部是不会有凝水和水滴的,因为水蒸气是向上升,但是如果不符合上面22.102一条,也就是说正常工作当水沸腾时,有水溅出来,就有可能会发生你说说的情况,
其实有的时候你的老外(customer)的要求,不一定是标准上面白纸黑字的要求,sometimes, it is just a performance required by your customer.因为老外是很注重performance的 我也是这么认为的. 谢谢.