好象见过有相关决议,但忘了,求解。 我也想知道 zhoufuyou 发表于 2013-4-10 10:34 static/image/common/back.gif我也想知道
已解决,见温升表的注3。 是那个标准?我看UL的产品是按导热率来算的,:) UL1310表31.1 (c)材料的导热系数大于2.419Btu/h/ft2/ft/℉(0.01c/s/cm2/cm/℃)可被考虑为金属。
IEC标准产品塑料外壳有电镀层是不是也按金属来算限制温度。 见CLause 11.8 of IEC 60335-1 A2006 note EN 60335-1 表3中 ZB,ZC,ZD 中有要求。
zb When the thickness of plastic coating does not exceed 0,3 mm, the temperature rise limits of coated metal or glass and ceramic apply.
zc Metal is considered coated when a coating having a minimum thickness of 80 μm made by enamel or non substantially plastic coating is used.
zd The temperature rise limit applies also for plastic material having a metal finish of thickness less than 0,1 mm.
of bare metal 50
– of coated metal zc 60
– of glass and ceramic 65
– of plastic having a thickness exceeding 0,3 mm zd 75
可是,学习啦~:) 按模制材料 看标准看得头晕:dizzy: