small part的定义
本帖最后由 tsunn 于 2013-2-2 11:59 编辑IEC60335-1的3.6.6对small parts的定义应该怎么理解?
small part
part, where each surface lies completely within a circle of 15 mm diameter, or a part where
some of the surface lies outside a 15 mm diameter circle but in such a way that it is not
possible to fit a circle of 8 mm diameter on any of the surfaces
NOTE A part that is too small to grip and at the same time to be able to apply the glow-wire tip is shown in
example A in Figure 5. A part that is large enough to grip but that is too small to be able to apply the glow-wire tip
is shown in example B in Figure 5. A part that is not a small part is shown in example C in Figure 5.
对照图5比较好懂 本帖最后由 H-RH 于 2013-2-2 13:39 编辑
Small part:
本帖最后由 H-RH 于 2013-2-2 13:39 编辑
Not a small part:
这段定义是出自 IEC 60695-2-11, 描述上有点抽象, 用上图去理解会较容易! 本帖最后由 tsunn 于 2013-2-2 14:50 编辑
是的,懂了,但用文字还真难描述。谢谢兄弟。兄弟你签到天数422天,很勤快啊,你今年多大了。 tsunn 发表于 2013-2-2 14:46 static/image/common/back.gif
“今年多大” 与 “签到天数” 及 “勤快” 有何关系? 若将图5中的例C(非小部件)改一改,不是实心面,而是一个方框形,假如框的宽度3mm,是否可认为是小部件?又或者将该实心面改为一网状面,网格宽度3mm,是否也作为小部件考虑? H-RH 发表于 2013-2-2 22:27 static/image/common/back.gif
“今年多大” 与 “签到天数” 及 “勤快” 有何关系?