3.但我公司今年换证的GS证书上说是0.75平方以上的插头线是,那就是可以用0.75平方以上的电线了,是这样的吗? 可以看60598-2-20:A2:2002 部分,有规定的 英文看不明白,最好能发个有中文的吗? 没有中文的! 我英文太差了,楼上大哥能说说标准中是如何说的? 要看灯串的具体情况而定。
60598-2-20 的20.10.1章节:
The nominal cross-sectional area of the conductors shall be not less than one of the following
a) 0,5 mm2 for ordinary lighting chains with E5 or E10 lampholders or other small
b) 0,75 mm2 for other lighting chains with E5 or E10 lampholders or other small lampholders,
and for lighting chains with E14, E27, B15 or B22 lampholders and fitted with seriesconnected
c) 1,5 mm2 for lighting chains with E14, E27, B15 or B22 lampholders and fitted with parallel
connected lamps.
If the maximum rated wattage of class III lighting chains and parts of chains supplied by
SELV is less than 50 W then the conductors of the internal and external cables may have a
cross-sectional area of 0,4 mm2 or less provided that the current-carrying capacity and the
mechanical properties are adequate. If the maximum rated wattage exceeds 50 W, the cables
shall comply with 60227 IEC 42 (see asterisk above). If the wattage is less than 50 W the
insulation of the cables shall comply with the requirements of 5.3.1 of IEC 60598-1.
For sealed chains, the internal conductors may have a cross-sectional area of 0,4 mm2 or less
provided the current-carrying capacity and the mechanical properties are adequate. In addition,
conductors without insulation are accepted provided adequate precautions have been taken to
ensure maintenance of the minimum creepage distances and clearances and compliance with
the requirements of 5.3.1 of IEC 60598-1.
Compliance is checked by inspection, measurement 请看:
IS 03 Interpretation of subclause 20.10.1
IEC 60598-2-20: 1996 Second edition
Luminaires – Part 2-20: Particular requirements – Lighting chains
July 2003 ICS 29.140.40
The nominal cross-sectional area of the conductors shall not be less than the following
a) 0,5 mm² for class II lighting chains with E5 or E10 lampholders or other small
b) 0,75 mm² for class II lighting chains with E14, E27, B15 or B22 lampholders and fitted
with series connected lamps;
c) 1,5 mm² for class II lighting chains with E14, E27, B15 or B22 lampholders and fitted
with parallel connected lamps;
d) 0,5 mm² for class III chains and parts of chains supplied by SELV and with a
maximum rated wattage exceeding 50 W;
e) 0,4 mm² for class III chains and parts of chains supplied by SELV and with a
maximum rated wattage not exceeding 50 W;
f) 1 mm² for the cable between the plug and a sealed chain without joints;
g) 1,5 mm² for the cable between the plug and a sealed chain with joints. 唉,我中文太差了,看不明白,能解释下吗?