tsunn 发表于 2012-10-27 22:28


本帖最后由 tsunn 于 2012-10-27 22:31 编辑

你们做的灯具带活动部件部分是否都用玻璃纤维套管对电线进行保护?我看到不少是这样,那么想问一下是否玻璃纤维套管还具有较强耐磨的机械特性?在百度百科里说的都是耐绝缘耐高温耐压,没提到耐磨。谁知道得比较详细的给小弟普及一下常识,不胜感谢!此外,关于保护导线减少机械伤害,UL规定不能用聚合材料,可以用玻璃纤维套管(要厚度大于0.25mm),相关章节如下(UL153):30.10 Polymeric sleeving shall not be used for reducing the risk of cutting or abrasion of wiring.
Fiberglass sleeving not less than 0.010 inch (0.25 mm) thick is capable of being used. 而我翻查IEC60598标准没有发现类似的说辞,是不是欧洲的就可以使用聚合材料比如热缩套管之类来防护呢(我觉得应该不能)?谁知道欧洲标准的规定是什么以及所在章节的原文描述,也麻烦告诉一下,不胜感激!!!

520168 发表于 2012-10-27 23:20

4.9 Insulating linings and sleeves
4.9.1 Insulating linings and sleeves shall be so designed that they are reliably retained in
position when switches, lampholders, terminals, wires or similar parts have been mounted.
NOTE Self-hardening resins, such as epoxy resins, may be used to fix linings.
Compliance is checked by inspection and by manual test.
4.9.2 Insulated linings, sleeves and similar parts shall have adequate mechanical, electrical
and thermal strength.
Compliance is checked by inspection, by manual test and by the electric strength test in
accordance with Section 10. The thermal properties of wire and sleeve are checked in
accordance with Section 12. Heat resistant sleeves used as covering for wires attaining a
temperature exceeding the values given in Table 12.2 of Section 12 shall comply with the
requirements of IEC 60684, taking into account the temperature measured on the wire in
question. The sleeve shall be resistant to a temperature exceeding the temperature measured
on the wire by 20 °C or withstand the following test:
a) Three test specimens of the sleeve, about 15 cm in length, are subjected to the humidity
test of 9.3 and subsequently to the insulation resistance and electric strength tests
according to Section 10. A suitable uninsulated copper conductor or metal rod is passed
through the specimens, and the outside is covered by a metal foil in such a way that no
flashover at the ends of the samples can occur. The measurement of the insulation
resistance and the electric strength test is then made between the copper conductor/metal
rod and the metal foil.
b) After the copper conductors/metal rods and metal foils have been removed, the specimens
are placed in a heating cabinet for 240 h at a temperature of T + 20 °C, T being the
measured temperature of the wire.
c) The specimens are allowed to cool to room temperature and are then prepared as indicated
under item a) above.
Measurement of the insulation resistance and electric strength is then made between the
copper conductor/metal rod and the metal foil.
Compliance is checked by the insulation resistance values and test voltages specified in
Tables 10.1 and 10.2 in Section 10.

tsunn 发表于 2012-10-28 10:42

本帖最后由 tsunn 于 2012-10-28 10:46 编辑

IEC60598-1标准的4.9和4.10章节都是主要描述电气强度和热强度方面的要求,对于机械强度方面的要求只提到了“绝缘衬套,套管和类似部件应有足够的机械、电气和热强度”(Insulated linings, sleeves and similar parts shall have adequate mechanical, electrical and thermal strength.),后面大篇幅介绍怎么测试电气强度和热强度方面,对机械强度要求几乎没提,也没介绍测试套管机械强度的方法,也没指出要用什么材料或者不能用什么材料。活动部件里的护线是为了保护电线减少受到机械伤害的程度,因此我觉得标准应该花点文字描述一下该怎么样来达到相应的机械强度。UL标准描述的就很清楚,可以用0.25mm的玻璃纤维套管来减少机械摩擦伤害,不能用聚合材料。

BIAOJIAWU 发表于 2012-11-10 15:26


yza223 发表于 2014-6-18 14:50

BIAOJIAWU 发表于 2012-11-10 15:26 static/image/common/back.gif
如果內部線通過鐵片的開孔伸到機外(安全低電壓直流電),此線加套玻纖管是否就可以了,在出線孔處是否用加 ...


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