barry 发表于 2007-6-9 10:51


标准FCC Part 15 小知识

问题1:标准FCC Part 15 B中B代表什么意思?

答:其实准确的说 FCC Part 15 B应该是FCC Part 15 Class B(B级数字装置)。

Class A和Class B的定义:

Class A digital device-A级数字装置.
A digital device that is marketed for use in a commercial, industrial or business environment, exclusive of a device which is marketed for use by the general public or is intended to be used in the home.

Class B digital device-B级数字装置.
Class B digital device. A digital device that is marketed for use in a residential environment notwithstanding use in commercial, business and industrial environments. Examples of such devices include, but are not limited to, personal computers, calculators, and similar electronic devices that are marketed for use by the general public. Note: The responsible party may also qualify a device intended to be marketed in a commercial, business or industrial environment as a Class B device, and in fact is encouraged to do so, provided the device complies with the technical specifications for a Class B digital device. In the event that a particular type of device has been found to repeatedly cause harmful interference to radio communications, the Commission may classify such a digital device as a Class B digital device, regardless of its intended use.

答:下面是FCC PART 15目录章节内容: 
Subpart A – General(一般要求)
Subpart B - Unintentional Radiators(无意辐射体)
Subpart C - Intentional Radiators(有意辐射体)
Subpart D - Unlicensed Personal Communications Service Devices
Subpart E - Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure Devices "
Subpart F – Ultra-Wideband Operation
Subpart G – Access Broadband Over Power Line (Access BPL)


答:Intentional radiator(有意辐射体)
-定义. A device that intentionally generates and emits radio frequency energy by radiation or induction.
注:红外线设备(比如:红外线遥控器)因为红外线不属于RF(射频),所以它不属于有意辐射体。另外,如果红外线设备的clock frequency(时钟频率)小于9KHz,那么它也不需要FCC Doc测试;如果clock frequency(时钟频率)大于9KHz,那么它需要FCC测试,必须符合FCC Part 15.209(Radiated emission limits.-辐射测试)

Unintentional radiator(无意辐射体)
-定义. A device that intentionally generates radio frequency energy for use within the device, or that sends radio frequency signals by conduction to associated equipment via connecting wiring, but which is not intended to emit RF energy by radiation or induction.有意产生射频能量供给装置内部使用或通过连线将射频信号传送给有关设备使用,但不是有意辐射或感应的方式来发射射频能量的任一装置。

fasten 发表于 2007-6-9 11:58

PART 0--COMMISSION ORGANIZATION Commission. Chairman. description of Commission organization and operations. of the Office. of the Office. of the Office. of the Office. of the Office. of the Office. of the Office. of the Bureau. of the Bureau. of the Office. of the Bureau. of the office. of the Bureau. of field installations. of the Bureau. of the Bureau. of the Office. Defense Commissioner. of the bureaus and staff offices. Relocation Board. of the Bureau. provisions. of person, panel, or board to which functions are delegated. exercise of delegated authority. of Commissioners. of, and delegated to, an individual Commissioner or Commissioners. delegated. delegated. of actions taken. delegated. delegated. of actions taken. delegated. delegated. taken under delegated authority. of actions taken. delegated. of actions taken. for determinations of exempt telecommunications company status. delegated. authority delegated. of action taken. delegated. taken under delegated authority. of administrative law judge. of actions taken. delegated. of actions taken. delegated. delegated. Commissioner. Relocation Board, authority delegated. national security and emergency preparedness delegations; cross reference. delegated. delegated. of Commission offices. hours. provisions. rules and regulations. control numbers and expiration dates assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. policy on private printing of FCC forms. reference materials. Commission's printed publications. Communications Act and other statutory materials. rules and regulations (looseleaf service). Federal Communications Commission Record. Annual Reports. Commission publications. forms. action documents and public notices. bulletins. FCC service frequency lists. bases and lists of authorized broadcast stations and pending broadcast applications. to other Federal government agencies of information submitted to the Commission in confidence., availability and use of opinions, orders, policy statements, interpretations, administrative manuals, and staff instructions. of records: Generally. reference rooms. locations at which records may be inspected. not routinely available for public inspection. information. that materials or information submitted to the Commission be withheld from public inspection. for inspection of records which are routinely available for public inspection. for inspection of materials not routinely available for public inspection. by competent authority for the production of documents or testimony concerning information contained therein. for copies of materials which are available, or made available, for public inspection. and review fees. payments. of fees. submittals or requests. of violations. for employment. of filing applications for radio authorizations. for waiver of wireless radio service rules. for amateur or commercial radio operator licenses. radio operator examinations. radio operator examinations. for ship radio inspection and periodical survey. for exemption from compulsory ship radio requirements. common carrier applications. of requests for mandatory declassification review. requests for declassification. and charges. and Privacy Act requests. and scope; definitions. identifying Commission systems of records. uses of information. for requests pertaining to individual records in a system of records. of record information to individuals. to correct or amend records. review of an initial decision not to amend a record. and assistance. of disputed information to persons other than the individual to whom it pertains. for false representation of identity. meetings. for closing a meeting to the public. for announcing meetings. for closing a meeting to the public., recording or minutes; availability to the public. Advisory Committee.

fasten 发表于 2007-6-9 12:04

Part 18全套

PART 18--INDUSTRIAL, SCIENTIFIC, AND MEDICAL EQUIPMENT and purpose. technical requirements. operating conditions. by Commission representatives. and investigation of harmful interference. of interference investigation. provisions for compliance with the rules. authorization. report. of authorized equipment. listing of equipment. information. to the user. frequencies. frequency bands. strength limits. limits. range of measurements. of measurements.

ds1983 发表于 2007-6-11 20:00


雲卷雲舒 发表于 2008-5-19 14:38

FCC Part 15 A是通則
FCC Part15B是關於有線產品的介紹
FCC Part15C是關於無線產品的介紹

fasten 发表于 2008-9-1 15:07

Code of Federal Regulations - Title 47 -

timothy 发表于 2008-9-1 15:12


DavidChiu 发表于 2008-9-10 10:00

引用第0楼barry于2007-06-09 10:51发表的 FCC全套标准 :
标准FCC Part 15 小知识

问题1:标准FCC Part 15 B中B代表什么意思?

答:其实准确的说 FCC Part 15 B应该是FCC Part 15 Class B(B级数字装置)。

FCC Part 15 B中的B是指Subpart B....
FCC Part 15 Subpart A -- General
FCC Part 15 Subpart B -- Unitentional Radiators <== 一般EMI申請FCC時會參考這一部份
FCC Part 15 Subpart C -- Intentional Radiators <== RF類產品申請FCC時會參考這一部份
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