根据条款的29.3, 附加和加强都应该有足够的厚度或者层数, 但是对29.3.3的这一条有点疑问, 这个条件什么时候适用呢?本帖最后由 liscsupor 于 2012-9-11 21:17 编辑
29.3.1、29.3.2条款不满足时,29.3.3适用。若从设计角度考虑29.3.1的条件容易实现,如果材料厚度不满足29.3.1条款时应注意21.2条款的规定。 29.3 Supplementary insulation and reinforced insulation shall have adequate thickness,
or have a sufficient number of layers, to withstand the electrical stresses that can be expected
during the use of the appliance.
Compliance is checked
– by measurement, in accordance with 29.3.1, or
– by an electric strength test in accordance with 29.3.2, if the insulation consists of more
than one separate layer, other than natural mica or similar flaky material, or
– by an assessment of the thermal quality of the material combined with an electric strength
test, in accordance with 29.3.3 and for accessible parts of reinforced insulation
consisting of a single layer, by measurement in accordance with 29.3.4, or 不能少于2MM 没有一定要求, 但是要过得了机械强度, 厚度太薄肯定不行 craigyu 发表于 2012-9-13 12:42 static/image/common/back.gif
没有一定要求, 但是要过得了机械强度, 厚度太薄肯定不行
呵呵!其实就是间接强制。 liscsupor 发表于 2012-9-13 17:19 static/image/common/back.gif
也不算强制,强度做得过去也没问题 学习了~~~ 平时做结构时很少采用小于1mm的厚度,所以没有考虑这一块,这次学习了~~~ 不一定要2mm, 可使用其它条款来豁免