现有一款AV类产品多媒体播放器,里面有用到一锂电池,请问这种带可充电锂电池的产品,在申请EN60065和UL60065标准的时候,产品外壳材料的防火等极怎么选择呀?标准有没有规定至少要用哪个等极呀?HB等极的可以吗? 补充一条,这款多媒体播放器,用的是外置电源适配器 低压的 应该可以没问题,AV低压产品没要求 如果是申请EN60065,因为50V以下不算潜在引燃源,所以HB等级可以
如果是UL60065,电池或者外置适配器的输出超过15W就必须用V-2等级以上 Circuits, or parts of a circuit supplied with an open circuit voltage not exceeding 35 V (peak)
a.c. or d.c. and not generating voltages above that value, are not considered to present a fire
hazard if the current which may be drawn from the supplying circuit for more than 2 min at any
load, including short-circuit, is limited to not more than 0,2 A. Such supplied circuits are not
subject to fault conditions testing.