60335-2-65中16.101章的标准上提到“Twice the working voltage is induced in the secondary winding of the transformer by applying a sinusoidal voltage having a frequency higher than rated frequency to the primary terminals.The duration of the test is
– 60 s, for frequencies up to twice the rated frequency, or
– 120 × rated frequency/test frequency s, with a minimum of 15 s, for higher frequencies
A maximum of one-third of the test voltage is applied and is then rapidly increased without creating transients. At the end of the test, the voltage is decreased in a similar manner to approximately one-third of its full value before switching off."
倍压倍频的测试,输出不接负载的,没有什么影响。在变压器之类的标准里很常见的测试 该测试只针对高压变压器,如果没什么影响,那么该测试有啥意义呢? 这是一个俗称的“匝间短路”测试,是测量高压变压器内部绝缘是否充分,测试时绕组之间或同一绕组的相邻匝间不应发生击穿。