2、奶嘴在压接过程中肯定会出现变形,相关部位的厚度随之变薄,不管是绝缘厚度还是耐压能力都会有一定程度的下降。 玻纤套管不是绝缘,
其他可以作为加强绝缘或者加强绝缘的一部分,具体看29.3的层数和厚度要求。 硅胶管、特氟龙管可以,国内1mm,欧盟0.6mm厚度即可 一般市面上买 的纤维套管的厚度都是达不到1mm的,IEC 60335-1 里第29.3有厚度要求的,可以看看 29.3.1The thickness of the insulation shall be at least
–1 mm for supplementary insulation;
–2 mm for reinforced insulation.
29.3.2Each layer of material shall withstand the electric strength test of 16.3 for
supplementary insulation. Supplementary insulation shall consist of at least 2 layers of
material and reinforced insulation of at least 3 layers. 特殊情况特殊对待 zyhua1985 发表于 2012-7-23 19:33 static/image/common/back.gif
29.3.1The thickness of the insulation shall be at least
–1 mm for supplementary insulation;
29.3.3 ? 山炮 发表于 2012-7-24 13:07 static/image/common/back.gif
29.3.3 ?
山炮兄有什么问题吗? 要打2000V 15min. 基本绝缘厚度不限,附加绝缘要1.0MM,否则要做针刺实验。